Last updated: 20 September 2023
real-time view of what's happening
Wallboards allow customers to monitor what is happening on their telephone system in realtime. Whether this is monitoring the activity of their agents or the status of call queues, the Dynamic Wallboard product was developed following the realisation that end-customers need their wallboard to have a specific user interface in terms of layout, screen positioning and colours. It is often the case that a customer is moving from one telephone system to another and they already had a wallboard on the previous phone system - with the Dynamic Wallboard product we are able to match the original wallboard as closely as possible to provide a seamless migration.
Take a look at the demo video using the link below to see the Dynamic Wallboard in action and the flexibility of the various layouts that can be achieved.
Product Features
- Data cards for agents list, live queue stats, queue totals, single data points and charts/graphs
- Drag 'n' Drop and Resize functionality of each data card
- Multiple wallboards option per single implementation
- User Access Permissions to allow different levels of access
- Customisable user interface for font size, colours, data titles

Other Wildix-Integrated Products
- Call Recording Archive - archive and free up space
- Call Recording Controller - pause and resume call recording
- CRM Integration - screen-pop and click-to-call
- Analytics - reports of current and historial calls
- Call Recording AI - transcribe calls and get call sentiment ratings
- Live Chat & Chatbot - bespoke Live Chat including chat sentiment ratings
- Post-Call Actions - log call reasons when calls end
Change log
20 September 2023
- Added support for multi-select departments and tags
- Added option to display stack chart with hourly breakdown when filtered by multiple days
- Added agent status data to analytics (optional)
- Added 'Rank' column to agents table
- Support for multi-part call recordings
- Added 'Missing Calls Percentage' queue totals option
- Idle time data resets to 0 when new call initiated
- Upgraded analytics reports count to 10
- Added option to display stack chart with hourly breakdown when filtered by multiple days
- Added agent status data to analytics (optional)
- Added 'Rank' column to agents table
- Support for multi-part call recordings
- Added 'Missing Calls Percentage' queue totals option
- Idle time data resets to 0 when new call initiated
- Upgraded analytics reports count to 10
09 August 2023
- Wallboard permissions to restrict wallboards to specific users
- Added supports for Available Agents per call group
- Added tile layout for Agents List
- Configurable Email Report delivery time
- Email call recording functionality
- Added supports for Available Agents per call group
- Added tile layout for Agents List
- Configurable Email Report delivery time
- Email call recording functionality
11 May 2023
- Added 'Max Concurrent' option using Wildix call tags
- Active wallboard tab remembered on page reload
- Active wallboard tab remembered on page reload
18 January 2023
- Added a list of available tags when adding/editing cards
11 January 2023
- Added support for Missed Unreturned calls table
25 October 2022
- Added option to set wallboard canvas background
- Added Single Datum card for Average Duration
- Added Single Datum card for free-text
- Added option to set the column to order the Agents table
- Added Single Datum card for Average Duration
- Added Single Datum card for free-text
- Added option to set the column to order the Agents table
24 August 2022
- Added support for Callback Single Datum cards
- Added support for Wildix OAuth authentication
- Added support for Wildix OAuth authentication
22 March 2022
- Added Wallboard Switch Timeout - functionality to allow automatic switch between wallboard tabs.
29 November 2021
- Added support for extension numbers < 100
- Added support for reloading Agents List if agents are dynamically added
- Added support for reloading Agents List if agents are dynamically added
27 November 2021
- Removed double-click functionality on wallboard tabs and replaced with right-click context menu
- Removed delete wallboard button
- Added 'Rename', 'Copy' and 'Delete' function to context menu
- Added 'Paste from Clipboard' button to Add Wallboard screen
- Removed delete wallboard button
- Added 'Rename', 'Copy' and 'Delete' function to context menu
- Added 'Paste from Clipboard' button to Add Wallboard screen
25 November 2021
- Fixed alert levels not displaying for single datum cards
- Fixed stack graph not maintaining position
- Fixed lock button for Firefox
- Fixed issue with Total Calls card showing the right value for queues selected
- Enabled gauge to support multiple queues
- Fixed stack graph not maintaining position
- Fixed lock button for Firefox
- Fixed issue with Total Calls card showing the right value for queues selected
- Enabled gauge to support multiple queues